Time to Come Out of Retirement

November 26, 2016 at 10:33 pm | Posted in American politics, Elections, electoral college | Leave a comment

Now that Donald Fraud Trump is going to become president. It’s time to come out of retirement and start blogging again. The evidence seems pretty strong that the Russians influenced the election in several ways in order to get their “useful idiot” in the White House. Most important is the surge of fake news sites that made millions of people think wrongly of Clinton.

also, Clinton got over two million MORE votes than Fraud did, which clearly indicates that the electoral college system has failed and is broken. When the voter in Wyoming has over three times MORE influence than a voter in California, clearly the system is wrong and not as the founding fathers intended. They meant for smaller states to have a vote, to be considered by candidates for president, but they didn’t intend on the small states to have THAT much more power and influence over bigger states. When states like California and New York and Texas have vastly more people than smaller states, that should be represented in the electoral college so that the electoral college more closely resembles the will of the people. When 2 million MORE people voted for one candidate but the other wins the electoral college, that’s clearly not what was intended.

Mitt Romney Involved in Anti-Mitt Push Polls?

November 20, 2007 at 11:46 am | Posted in American politics, Elections, Mit Romney, Mitt Romney | 2 Comments

What the hey?

Former Bay State Gov. Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign furiously denied rumors yesterday that his own supporters were involved in calls placed to voters in Iowa and New Hampshire that spread anti-Romney smears under the guise of conducting a poll.

Political strategists and bloggers slung accusations at Romney’s camp yesterday after a scathing article appeared in the National Review titled “Did Mitt Romney Push Poll Himself?” which identified several Romney supporters at Western Wats, a Utah-based firm believed to have made the calls. The practice of using phony polls to plant a negative message is commonly known as push-polling.

“The idea that Mitt Romney or his supporters are spreading negative information about him is preposterous,” Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom told the Herald. “These paranoid delusions aren’t worthy of a serious response.”

The New Hampshire attorney general launched an investigation into the calls, which may violate state election laws requiring all political advertising and phone pitches to identify the candidate being supported.

Jim Kennedy, assistant attorney general in charge of election law enforcement in the Granite State, vowed that subpoenaed phone records and other evidence will unveil the culprits, despite client confidentiality clauses repeatedly cited by Western Wats.

Among the questions asked during the 20-minute calls placed last week were whether the person polled knew Romney received Vietnam-era military deferments while serving in the Mormon missionary in France, that none of his sons served in the military and that the Mormon religion didn’t accept blacks as bishops until the 1970s.

The calls also included flattering questions about the military service of Sen. John McCain, whose camp immediately denied responsibility and filed a complaint with the New Hampshire attorney general Friday, as did Romney’s.

Republicans Revive Plot to Steal California Votes

October 23, 2007 at 6:56 pm | Posted in American politics, conservatives, corruption, Elections, Republicans, secret combinations, Voter Suppression | 7 Comments

They are at it again.

See, the problem is that because of centuries of gerrymandering there are particular districts in each state that are safely in one camp or the other, and there is no getting around it. What Republicans want to do is steal California delegate votes. They want the 20 or so votes from safe Republican districts (which will tilt the overall vote count). The problem is that these Republicans do not want to do this nationally (say in Texas or Florida or Ohio), just California, the biggest electorate prize.

Of course if this is done nationally, then it would wholly ruin democracy, as the only districts that will even get candidates to show up are the very very few that still happen to be competitive. As it is right now, because of the outdated electoral college system, only a few states actually count in the general election (Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc). Voters in states like Massachusetts, Texas, New York, and California (not to mention all the small states like Rhode Island—very liberal—or Wyoming—very conservative—that will also not get any candidates stopping by, even though that was supposedly the purpose of the electoral college—to make smaller states competitive), do not count.

I believe that we must remove the electoral college system from our election process. Make the election truly representative of the plurality of voters.

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